Friday, August 22, 2008

Vitamin D Deficiency

Are you obtaining serum vitamin D levels routinely in your patients with cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis and diabetes?

Are you advising patients at high risk for CVD to spend at least 15 minutes daily outside exposed to sunlight?


Anonymous said...

How often do you recommend D3 levels be drawn if a patient is taking a high dosage of VD3?
Two years ago my VD3 level was 13ng/ml and have all the diagnoses listed in your article except Osteoporosis. I was prescribed 50,000 units of VD3 3X week for 4 weeks then 50,000 units once a week for 4 weeks. All bone pain disappeared altough I have herniated disks and titanium rods in the back. I was presribed 1000 units q daily. Felt fine until six months ago. The level was 18ng/ml.
Mayo Clinic discovered the initial deficiency but my primary physician nor I know what dosage or frequency of VD3levels should be.
I realize this is not a comment but a "cry for help". Any input is greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...

I have started testing Vit D 25 OH levels on all female and male patients on osteoporosis meds of any kind. Many have deficiency or insufficiency. Other flags I have recently used include perimenopausal symptoms, malabsorption syndromes and the elderly with falls. I then recommend Vit D 5000 IU as a daily regime for 2 months. I have rechecked levels and usually found they are borderline accpetable. Recommend daily dose of 1000 IU. My concern is that the insurance companies will start to deny paying for levels or mark them as experimental.